
Blueprints of UFO

We all wonder about UFOs, right? Ever since we were child, we've heard many stories about it. We all have questioned at least once in our life, that whether they are real or not. Humans have always been fascinated by the outer space and thus about aliens, UFOs, etc. But what if we tell you that humans themselves have created the blueprints cum designs of UFOs. Yes, it's damn true. But it has not been added in our syllabus and curriculum because some authorities never wanted us to know about it. But today we'll tell you about TWO scientists who created the blueprints of UFO, and we'll also be discussing about their blueprints in detail. 1. NICOLA TESLA'S UFO DESIGN TESLA'S FLYING SAUCER (Pic Credit- Google)                   Tesla was definitely a gem for the mankind and the most genius scientist and inventor the world ever had. His inventions prove that his thinking was far ahead of his era. Tesla applied for a patent ...

Curse Of The Red Room

We are unable to justify many things or happenings as humans can not provide explanation of everything. There exists a limit or boundary of human knowledge. One such mysterious happening, which could not be totally explained by the humans is CURSE OF THE RED ROOM . (Pic Credit - Google) It all originated in JAPAN during early 1990s when the computer market just began to boom in the country. A flash animation screen pop-up started appearing in many computers where it was written in Japanese language - " DO YOU LIKE THE RED ROOM ? " THE FLASH ANIMATION POP-UP (Pic credit- Pinterest) When the victims closed the pop-up window, it appeared again and again, this kept on going until the victims killed themselves.  Those victims were found dead inside their rooms with the walls coloured with their blood making it look A RED ROOM. The reports revealed that the victims killed themselves with knifes (suicided) and before dying completely, they covered all the w...

The Rosewell Incident

There have been many cases where people have claimed that they have seen or encountered aliens. But to clarify you all, most of them are just fake stories to gain publicity or some are just imaginations. But there are some cases which remain unsolved till date, they are among the biggest mysteries of human kind. Today we'll be discussing one such incident with you all. THE ROSEWELL INCIDENT (Pic Source - Google  All rights reserved by the owner) In the early July of 1947, during thunderstorm, something unusual happened in the Rosewell city of New Mexico, USA. Some flying objects crashed on the open ground in a mysterious way. A sheep rancher " MACK BRAZEL " saw it and then called the " Sheriff George Wilcox " to find out that what were those objects, but within few hours the sheriff collected all the debris from there and submitted it to the police to investigate further. After few days, The US ARMY AIR FORCES passed a press release that the 509th B...

Dark Side of Internet

(Pic Credit - Google *All rights reserved by the owner, we do not claim any rights) We all know about Google, Facebook WhatsApp, etc. And the majority of us surf on these websites only. But what If I tell you that these all makes up only 1% of the whole internet. Yes, that's true. In professional language, we call it "SURFACE WEB" which is easily accessible to every one out there having an internet connection and a device to surf on. But there is a deeper side of internet which is not so easy to access. It is called "DEEP WEB". As it sounds, it is full of more deeper things than the surface one. The problem with the surface web is that all your data is being stored in some or the other server. And hence it puts your privacy at stake. It is very obvious that no one would like to tell the whole world about his/her personal life. But what if I tell you that all your chats, messages, call history, search history can be traced and stored. Yess!! That...